Thick Brush Stroke

Gopal Das's words

Gopal Das' words act as a reference point of lucidity and support, assisting you with seeing life through a revived viewpoint and embrace a more illuminated way. Investigate these moving statements to fortify your brain and rouse positive change in your life.

Thick Brush Stroke

The Road To Success

"The way to progress is spotted with many enticing parking spots. Continue to push ahead."

Thick Brush Stroke

Don't Be A Thermometer

"Try not to be a thermometer, be an indoor regulator. Thermometers simply mirror the temperature of the climate, however indoor regulators change the temperature."

Thick Brush Stroke

Finding Yourself

"Human existence has meaning that transcends tracking down yourself; it's tied in with making yourself."

Thick Brush Stroke

Be A Player

"In the round of life, don't be an onlooker. Be a player."

Thick Brush Stroke

Control Your Attitude

"You have zero control over what befalls you, yet you have some control over your demeanor toward what befalls you, and in that, you will dominate change as opposed to permitting it to dominate you."

Thick Brush Stroke

The Destination

"Achievement isn't about the objective; it's about the excursion."

Thick Brush Stroke

Time Is Like A River

"Time resembles a waterway. You can't contact a similar water two times in light of the fact that the stream that has passed won't ever pass from this point onward."

Thick Brush Stroke

The Key To Happiness

"The way to bliss isn't in looking for all the more yet in fostering the ability to appreciate less."