How to make almond milk at home in 6 easy steps

BENEFITS OF ALMOND MILK Almond milk is the perfect supplement for lactose intolerant people, keeps the heart healthy, improves brain function and is diabetes-friendly.

HOW TO MAKE AT HOME Here is how you can make your own almond milk at home in 6 easy steps.

SOAK Soak 250 grams of almonds overnight or for eight hours.

DRAIN Once the nuts get their refreshing soak, drain the excess water and peel the skin.

BLEND Take the almonds in a blending jar and add 5 cups of water. Now, blend them nicely.

STRAIN Strain the mixture using the muslin cloth and squeeze out the milk.

ADD Add your favourite sweetener or flavour like honey or brown sugar.

ENJOY Blend the milk again and keep it in the fridge for a while. Now enjoy your drink guilt-free.