This is an independent drama film, written and directed by Shubhashish Bhutiani. It follows the story of a reluctant son who takes his father to the holy city of Varanasi, where the father believes he will live his last days and attain salvation.
This is a drama film written and directed by Anand Gandhi. The film explores philosophical themes, telling the interwoven story of an experimental photographer, an ailing monk and a young stockbroker.
This drama film, which was directed by Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Suktankar, chronicles the life of a retired Sanskrit professor who is suffering from Alzheimer's. He follows an elephant home one day after becoming enthralled with it on the street and moves in with the mahout's family.
This is a comedy drama film directed by Rajat Kapoor. After a certain incident, a middle aged man from Delhi decides to believe only what he can see with his eyes. But the new ideals make his life more difficult than expected.
This is a slice-of-life drama film directed by Sundar C. When Nallasivam and Anbarasu get stranded at the airport, the two have to forcefully accompany each other to Chennai and they form an unexpected bond with each other.
Neeraj Ghaywan is a first-time director of this drama film. The film, which is set along the Indian Ganges, narrates the tale of four people whose lives cross paths due to growth and personal tragedies.