10 unsolved ancient mysteries

The Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines are massive geoglyphs that form various shapes and patterns. The reason behind their creation and the technology used to make them are still a mystery.

The Voynich Manuscript

Written in an unknown script, the Voynich Manuscript is filled with illustrations of plants, stars, and human figures. Deciphering its contents has proven to be a daunting task for cryptographers.

The Great Pyramids of Giza

How were these magnificent structures built with such precision thousands of years ago? The methods used by the ancient Egyptians to construct the pyramids continue to remain unsolved.


This prehistoric monument in England is a marvel of engineering and astronomical alignment. Despite extensive research, the purpose of Stonehenge and the techniques used to create remains unknown.

The Voynich Manuscript

Written in an unknown script, the Voynich Manuscript is filled with illustrations of plants, stars, and human figures. Deciphering its contents has proven to be a daunting task for cryptographers.

The Antikythera Mechanism

Discovered in a shipwreck off the coast of Greece, this ancient device is considered the world's first analog computer.

The Easter Island Moai

How were these colossal stone statues transported and erected on Easter Island? The methods used by the ancient inhabitants of the island to create these statues remain a mystery.

The Lost City of Atlantis

The lost city of Atlantis has captivated the imagination of many. Believed to have sunk into the ocean, its exact location remains a mystery. The Lost City of Atlantis The lost city of Atlantis has captivated the imagination of many. Believed to have sunk into the ocean, its exact location remains a mystery.

The Copper Scroll Treasure

The Copper Scroll is a treasure map detailing the locations of hidden treasures. Despite numerous attempts to locate the treasures, they remain undiscovered.